Sort by a hierarchy

I came across this problem a few weeks ago and when I searched for a solution, I couldn't find one. As it turns out, it's a pretty straightforward algorithms application once you see how to do it; I thought it was interesting enough to share.

I had an unsorted list of records that were related by an arbitrary number of parent-child relations. I wanted to present the list with the unparented records first, with their children beneath them, their children beneath them, etc. So, given a list like:
0009Piotr Nickolevitch0007
0001Charles Xavier
0008James Logan0007
0013James Proudstar0007
0014Eric Lensherr
0005Bobby Drake0002
0007Ororo Munroe0001
0012Kurt Wagner0007
0010Kitty Pryde0007
0003Jean Grey0002
0002Scott Summers0001
0004Warren Worthington0002
0006Hank McCoy0002
I'd want to sort the output to appear as:

  • Charles Xavier
    • Scott Summers
      • Jean Grey
      • Warren Worthington
      • Bobby Drake
      • Hank McCoy
    • Ororo Munroe
      • James Logan
      • Piotr Nickolevitch
      • Kitty Pryde
        • Lockheed
      • Kurt Wagner
      • James Proudstar
  • Eric Lensherr
So in essence, transform a table into a tree. I can't properly "sort" this but instead I have to do two passes through the list keeping track of which elements are associated with which ID values and then go through determining the children. So, if my data is an array of JavaScript objects with properties Id, Name, and Boss, my first pass will be:
var idsToElements = {};
for (var i = 0; i < input.length; i++)  {
    idsToElements[input[i].Id] = input[i];

Listing 1: Pass one; record the positions of all the Ids

This just gives me a quick lookup of Ids to the actual elements that they represent. Now, go through the main list and create a sublist of each element's children in-place:
var topLevel = [];

for (var i = 0; i < input.length; i++) {
  if (input[i].Boss)  {
    var parentElement = idsToElements[input[i].Boss];
    if (!parentElement) {
      // Parent element missing in list; treat as top-level
    } else  {
      if (!parentElement.children)  {
        parentElement.children = [];
  } else  {

Listing 2: Pass two; create a children array on each element

Figure 1: parent/child relationships discovered dynamically

As I encounter each element, I find its parent (by Id) in the hash structure I created in listing 1. Then I append the element to the children array on the parent element. If it doesn't have a parent element, it goes into the new de-facto parent topLevel. Now, topLevel is an array of the elements that either a) didn't have parent records or b) had parent records, but those parent records weren't found (depending on the application, this may or may not represent an error condition). Since each parent has an array of children, each can be sub-sorted if necessary. They can be output in a hierarchy via:

function traverse(list)  {
  var html = '<ul>';
  for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
    html += '<li>' + list[i].Name;
    if (list[i].children) {
      html += traverse(list[i].children);
    html += '</li>';
  html += '</ul>';

  return html;

html = traverse(topLevel);
document.write(html); // Or $('document.body').append(html), if you're into that sort of thing.

Listing 3: depth-first traversal of the newly created tree structure

I can further generalize this by replacing the hardcode property Boss in listing 2 with a dynamic reference to the parent field, as in:
var topLevel = [];
var parentFieldName = 'Boss';

for (var i = 0; i < input.length; i++) {
  if (input[i][parentFieldName])
    var parentElement = idsToElements[input[i][parentFieldName]]
    if (!parentElement) {
      // Parent element missing in list; treat as top-level
    } else  {
      if (!parentElement.children)  {
        parentElement.children = [];
  } else  {

Listing 4: More flexible sort routine

Simple enough once you realize that you're looking at a tree structure, but you have to realize what you're looking at first.

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